Associate Qualification – Creative Category
I’ve been a member of the Royal Photographic Society since 2010 and gained my Licentiate a few months later. In the past year I have become the organiser for the Distinctions Advisory Days for the Western Region. It was during one of these days that I was asked why I hadn’t submitted an Associate panel when I had done so for The Societies and the truth is – I have no idea, for some unknown reason it just hadn’t crossed my mind. After a little more discussion and a showing of some images on my Kindle I decided to seek further advice. And so it was that I travelled once more to Bath, on 19th October 2016, to submit my Creative panel for an Associate qualification.
I had decided to re-invent my Lady Bugs and give them a new lease of life.
The assessors loved it and it was a unanimous pass. Words used in the summing up included velutinous, pavonine and exquisite attention to detail. I think the Permajet FB Gold Silk paper I used enhanced the velvet, silky look.
So my many thanks to Creative team members in attendance, Anne, Steve, Faye, Clive, Richard, Pete and Ray. And also to Hazel Mason and Steve Smith for giving me the push I needed to submit my application and to Steve le Prevost for his wonderful advice.
I guess that having gained 3 Associate qualifications in 3 different areas means I really should knuckle down and challenge myself to a Fellowship next – watch this space!!
My Statement of Intent:
The Curiosity of Entomorphosis â The Lady Bugs
My inspiration for this set of images is born from my personal enthusiasm for entomology, wildlife photography, the allure of the Victorian Curiosities and the desire to step out of my ever so predictable comfort zone to create something a little extra-ordinary.
To me, photography heaven is insects coupled with a macro lens but for this qualification I wanted to challenge myself to photograph something completely different, so I chose people. But the lure of the insects was too great; motivated by Joseph Merrick and the film Elephant Man, I decided to create my own set of curiosities combining the two subjects.
However, I didnât want my images to be a series of morphs so to prevent the insects from becoming people, and vice a versa, Iâve tried to give an additional twist by presenting each of my ladies with a distinctive fashion look to complete the illusion of familiarity.
For those with an inquisitive, dictionary like mind:
Velutinous (adj): covered in dense, soft, silky hairs; velvet like.
Pavonine (adj) of or resembling a peacock; iridescence of peacock feathers; the colours, design of a peacock.