Thank you for dropping by.

I really appreciate you wanting to keep in touch and find out more about me and my art and the best way to do that is to sign up to the VIP Collectors Club Newsletter below.

Join the VIP Collectors Club

Let’s stay in touch!

Why sign up for occasional emails?
Pros: You’ll be one of the cool kids who are first to know about exhibitions, new arrivals, studio clean out sales, and exclusive offers & discounts ONLY available to VIP Subscribers.
PLUS 15% off your first order *
Cons: Hmm . . . Can I get back to you on this as I can’t think of anything right now, other than, what have you got to lose?
* This offer excludes Limited Editions – sorry!
* Retail sales only
This artist respects your privacy. Your email will never, and I mean never, be shared or abused.

Sign Up HERE!

Why Sign-Up to a Newsletter?

Pre-Raphaelite Muses - my inspiration

Hi and Welcome!

I send a Newsletter out monthly by email (unless I’m releasing new work in which case you might get a bonus one.)

In them I share more behind the scenes stuff, like what I’m listening to in the studio, any projects I’m working on or sneak peaks of work in progress and what’s inspiring me etc.

One of the benefits is that you get exclusive first access to any works before I put them up for sale.

Secondly, I give art away every now and again.

Finally, newsletters are a great way to stay in touch, especially if Insta’s having a wobble or you’re taking a social media break.

Again, many thanks – your support is highly valued.

